Sharing The Feeling of Others™

The Interdisciplinary Team
The Active Hospice Care, Inc. interdisciplinary team works together to develop a plan of care based on your individual needs. We will work with you and your family or designated caregivers to schedule visits that are right for you. We will respect your house rules and privacy. You choose how each person can assist you in the care you request.
Our Interdisciplinary Team Includes:
Clinical Supervisors
The clinical supervisor oversees nurses, chaplains, social workers, hospice aides and volunteers. This supervisor is a resource to the entire hospice team to provide symptom management.
Hospice Medical Director
This doctor is the hospice physician; he/she provides advice and direction for the hospice team. This doctor attends hospice meetings and works with your primary doctor to ensure that the medical care you are receiving is closely monitored and meets your ongoing needs. He/she is required to make a “face-to-face” visit with you after your second benefit period (180 days) and then every 60 days thereafter.
Social Worker
Active Hospice Care, Inc. social workers are available to discuss the emotional challenges of serious illness and offer support when you and/or your caregiver need it. They can also assist you with healthcare decisions, funeral plans or legal matters, and put you in touch with other community resources you request. A social worker will visit you after your hospice admission to get to know you and your caregivers, and determine how to be most helpful to you.
Hospice Aide
Hospice aides are provided as requested by you or your caregivers to give personal care as directed by the RN. They are assigned based on care needs identified in your plan of care.
Hospice Volunteers
Active Hospice Care, Inc. volunteers provide services to support our patients and their families. They offer companionship and assist with errands or other tasks as needed. We welcome our patients, families, caregivers and the community to also volunteer in indirect care activities, such as office help and public relations services. Active Hospice Care, Inc. requires and provides orientation and ongoing training for all volunteers.
Registered Nurse (RN)
At the time you are admitted to Active Hospice Care, Inc., you will be assigned an RN. This nurse will provide visits, support and education as needed to you and your caregiver(s). He/she will coordinate your care while on our services. The RN is responsible for notifying your physician of your condition. Visits are scheduled to monitor your terminal illness, pain control or other symptoms you may experience. The frequency of these visits may change, depending on your needs.
Attending Physician
Your doctor remains your doctor, unless you choose otherwise. Your nurse will be in communication with your doctor to ensure he/she is aware of changes in your condition or needs. Your physician will continue to prescribe your medications and will be responsible for approving any changes in your plan of care.
Our non-denominational chaplains provide spiritual care. When requested by you or your caregivers, they can help discuss spiritual issues such as fear, loss, forgiveness or anger, or address spiritual questions. They can also help you get in contact with your local church to arrange a visit by your priest, rabbi, minister or spiritual advisor.
On-Call Nurse
A nurse is available 24 hours a day to answer any questions you may have. If needed, an on-call nurse will visit you to resolve any concerns that may occur during nights or weekends.
Bereavement Counseolrs
Active Hospice Care, Inc. bereavement counselors provide ongoing support to caregivers and family members. They make calls, send mailings and offer support groups to provide encouragement and comfort to those experiencing loss. Bereavement counselors continue to support families/caregivers for 13 months following the patient’s passing.

Who is on the Hospice Team?